When to Use the Nella Comfort Kit
There are so many reasons a woman might get a vaginal exam. And every one of these exams requires a speculum. Make sure it’s a comfortable one.
A Nella Comfort Kit is just right for
What is a Well Woman Visit?
Once a year, women should see your provider for a Well Woman exam. You’ll get a physical check up and your provider will review important other screenings you may need—such as a bone density screening, breast exam, or STI tests—depending on your age, health, and history.
80% of women
would have less anxiety during their exam if the doctor used Nella
September 22, Patient Survey, N=2000
Regular Screenings Save Lives
With the right screenings in place, you can catch early signs of dangerous diseases. In fact, discovered soon enough, many cancers have a high survival rate (nearly 100%)!
Percent of women who would schedule more timely exams if a clinician used Nella
September 22, Patient Survey, N=2000
It doesn’t have to be this way.
With the Nella Comfort Kit, you have the power to control your own exam experience and access the care you need to prevent gynecological cancers.

80% of women
would have less anxiety during their exam if the doctor used Nella
Percent of women who would schedule more timely exams if a clinician used Nella
Alliance for Women's Health and Prevention. New Ipsos survey reveals nearly half of American women forgo preventive care services.