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Support your employees with respectful, comfortable care

How Nella Takes Care of Your Employees (and You)


 cervical cancer are diagnoses per year


 cervical cancer are deaths per year


 of women skip or delay recommended health screenings

Once a year, women should see your provider for a Well Woman exam.  With the right screenings in place, you can catch early signs of dangerous diseases. In fact, discovered soon enough, many cancers have a high survival rate (nearly 100%)! But too frequently, women skip pelvic screening exams because they’re scared, they are busy, they don’t have the means and they don't know the guidelines (yes, you need to go once a year).

Cervical cancer is highly treatable if it’s caught early.

When you put empowering tools directly into your employees’ hands, you help them have more comfortable, stress-free check ups. The check ups that keep them healthy and save lives. For far too long, women’s health has been overlooked. That can stop today. Prioritize your employees’ health and comfort by giving them the Nella Comfort Kit.


Booking and Going to an Annual Woman Well Exam Saves Lives and Money.

40% of women put off getting their routine Gynecological screenings. No screenings=no cervical cancer detection. And when it’s caught early, this cancer is highly treatable! So keep your employees (and your company) happy and healthy with tools that make it easy to get screened. Less sick days. Less disability. More employees feeling protected and supported. A win for everyone.

What is the Comfort Kit?

The Nella Comfort Kit empowers your employees to take control of their comfort at the Gynecologist or Primary Care clinician. Each Kit contains all the supplies for a more comfortable pelvic exam: the innovative new Nella speculum, a pair of cozy socks, a wipe, and a stress ball. Patients can bring it to their next appointment for an anxiety-free checkup. 

What is Nella?

Nella is a totally different, brand-new way to experience pelvic exams. Forget the cold, harsh metal speculum or plastic, breakable speculums. Nella is easy, stress-free and designed with a patient’s comfort in mind. It’s no wonder TIME Magazine named Nella their Invention of the Year.


Three ways Nella works for you 


Enterprise Plan

 Each of your female employees gets the peace of mind and comfort of a Nella Comfort Kit. You get the benefit of a special bulk order discount. Call us and we’ll help tailor an order for your needs. 




 Offer employees a discount unique to your organization and delivered via your internal network. Contact us for a special discount code and messaging inspiration. 




 Alert your employees that they can use an HSA/FSA to purchase a Nella Comfort Kit. 


Before Nella, during or after a regular pelvic exam women reported the following:


 felt soreness.


had difficulty sitting or walking. 


experienced pain during exams with a non-Nella speculum.  


experienced bleeding.

99% of women prefer Nella.

September 22, Patient Survey, N=2000